1. Plan your journey:
Explore no-fly options such as train + ferry, if practical. Choose accommodation and activities that are environmentally friendly and use energy, water and other resources responsibly. Calculate and offset the total CO2 emissions from your trip via www.ibizasostenible.com/co2-ciudadanos.
2.Getting around:
Help us cut pollution by walking, cycling and using public transport to get around wherever possible. If you need to hire a car, choose an electric vehicle. (P.S. You can also check the island’s air quality using Google Maps’ new in-app tool.)
3.Save Water:
Ibiza suffers from severe water shortages. Opt for short showers instead of baths and turn the tap off when washing up or brushing teeth. If staying in a hotel, hang up & reuse towels to avoid generating unnecessary washing.
4.Ditch the plastic:
Bring a refillable water bottle and some reusable bags for your shopping. Buy loose fruit & veg to cut down on plastic wrapping. Request your drinks be served without a straw.
5.Manage your waste properly:
Please clean up after yourself! Always separate your waste and deposit it in the correct recycling containers.
6.Attention smokers!:
Don’t throw your cigarette butts on the ground and especially don’t stub them out in the sand at the beach; they can take 10 years to degrade and release harmful toxins into the environment.
7.Safeguard our biodiversity:
Respect the local environment by ensuring you don’t walk over protected areas like sand dunes and taking nothing of the island’s flora and fauna home except photos. If you see a turtle or its eggs at the beach please don’t touch them and call 112 straight away.
8.Protect Posidonia:
This underwater plant is not seaweed but a type of seagrass! It absorbs 15 times more CO2 than the Amazon rainforest and keeps our waters crystal clear. Anchoring boats in the meadows is illegal and the damage caused by it takes centuries to repair.
9.Cut the chemicals:
Choose an eco-friendly sunscreen; it reduces pollution in the water and is much friendlier to our marine life.
10.Respect the island and choose local:
Educate yourself about the island’s culture and traditions and always treat its people and customs with. respect. Support Ibiza’s farmers by visiting markets and farm shops and discovering some of the delicious local produce on offer. More info at ibizaproduce.org.