Under my umbrella
Interview with Albert from Lobster’s Day
By Luisa Ricart
If there’s one thing that’s really cool about Concept Hotel Group, and their Googie style, it’s their collection of retro parasols. Just open up Instagram to see for yourself.
Diego Calvo, CEO of Concept Hotel Group said: “We design and produce most of our interior design, so it would have been a shame not to include parasols in our hotels, even though they seem to be a forgotten element. Plus, it’s cool that our guests can take back a souvenir to put on their terrace, reminding them of Ibiza.”
We spoke to Albert, the founder of Lobster’s Day, about his company that has specialised in outdoor furniture for more than a decade, as well as finding out how the idea came about. The adventure began through acting as a middleman with the architecture studio Ilmiodesign and… voilá!

Albert said: “When I met Diego for the first time I told him that I design my furniture to be in places like this (referring to Concept Hotels) and that we should get to know each other because we are aesthetically similar.”
Their first project together was for parasols in Romeo’s Hotel and it didn’t take them long to come up with an inspirational moodboard: mixed in with images from the 50s, 60s and 70s were Slim Aarons photographs (google his name if you’re not familiar with his work, mind-blowing stuff), the Italian Dolce Vita and Palm Springs, Sophia Loren’s house, and the legendary portrait of Marilyn Monroe opening a red umbrella and in a 50s swimsuit.

After creating a briefing for the hotels (each one has a different personality), they then defined the designs for six of Concept’s hotels before bringing them to reality.
Each hotel has a name for their parasols: Romeo’s are red and white and named White Stripes, in a nod to the kickass rock band that reached the end of the road in 2011.
Tropicana’s are salmon coloured with dancing fringes and are called Dolly Parton. Paradiso’s are called Paradisol and have a pastel pink and jagged edge finish, while Cubanito’s are orange and called Quitasol (umbrella, in Cuban Spanish). Grand Paradiso’s (which will have its grand inauguration in summer 2022) are baptised Mrs Anderson (after the film’s director Wes), and Dorado’s are nicknamed Maremoto, as they are situated by the sea and have a white with a turquoise wave finish.

When asked if they are expensive to make on request, Albert said: “Things that are made to measure and to one’s taste always have a price. It’s like going to the tailor to have a bespoke suit made instead of buying ready-to-wear, so choosing the first option will always fit better. However, we also have a catalogue.”
Lobster’s Day is going from strength to strength and demand is going through the roof. “We began with outdoor furniture and it was only a matter of time before we moved on to parasols, we saw a niche in the market because nobody was really doing anything with them. It’s been three years since we launched our first parasol and sales a growing year on year!
Since they started, they have focused on contract, hotels and restaurants. “One of the things I like most about my job is working with creative people,” admits Albert laughing with his feet dipped in Dorado’s pool.
“What I love about Diego is his spontaneity, and working with him is dynamic and fun. A match like this doesn’t happen that often,” finishes Albert while thinking of a character from the 1965 comedy El Parasol (Weekend, Italian Style).