Discover which type of holidaymaker you are according to your star sign!

ARIES: “Where’s the best place to go out?”
You need the beat to move your body, and you’re the party starter who drags your friends from one bar to another at the drop of a hat. You’ve got a road map with all the island’s unmissable parties, and you never miss a Rock Nights.

TAURUS: “Let’s get organised.”
You have everything under control, even on holiday. You drive your friends crazy with an endless list of things to do. You’re easily recognisable on the beach because you are surrounded by gadgets: shovels, cooler, umbrella…

GEMINI: “Swimwear off, we’re in Ibiza.”
Uninhibited is synonymous with summer for Geminis. Aguas Blancas is your home and nudism your religion. You’ve got plenty of energy to give and take, and your charm and lack of clothing instantly puts you on the guest list of any club.

CANCER: “I used to come here a lot with my ex.”
There is nothing more Cancer than constantly talking about your ex, especially if you’ve just broken up. You can be a bit of a party-pooper and you’ll find it hard not to cry at sunset at Cap des Falcó. Patience my friend, summer cures everything.

LEO: “Have you seen my sunglasses?”
You don’t go anywhere without your favourite accessory. You need to feel more important more than anyone else, and sunglasses are the perfect way to stand out without appearing that you desperately need attention.

VIRGO: “One Espresso Martini, please.”
You NEVER lose your cool. You’re able to be as drunk as a skunk without anyone noticing, hold your own while talking about politics at 4 a.m. in Pikes, and still look as fresh as a daisy while suffering the worst hangover of your life.

LIBRA: “This summer, I’m going to pull more than ever.”
Natural born seducers. Libras need to score, or the summer doesn’t exist for you. You usually drop by Dorado Live Shows with a badass outfit, cheeky winks à gogo and with Samantha Jones is your spirit animal.

SCORPIO: “Leave me alone, I’m hungover.”
Beware of pissing them off on their day off (or any other day of the year). They need space to relax, and their natural habitat is at Lay Back Disco in Paradiso, sipping a G&T. They are capable of swimming across to Formentera if you disappear without excuse.

SAGITTARIUS: “I’m getting up early tomorrow to go scuba diving.”
You’re the friend in the group that barely anyone notices because 70% of the time you go off on adventures alone. The Portinatx lighthouse is your secret spot, and you only signed up for the trip because it offered so many opportunities for solo missions!

CAPRICORN: “Are you good with margaritas? Give me 4!”
All or nothing. Capricorns go all in or go home, and that’s the way they like it. You’re a sucker for a mean margarita with salt on the rim. You like to be seen at Romeo’s pool, 24/7, sporting an unbeatable tan. Bon vivant? Moi?

AQUARIUS: “I’m going to let myself go and see where the summer takes me.”
You look forward to going on holiday, and you always meet random people who become your best friends (at least for a while). You start the day with a swim at Salinas and end it shaking your hips at Salsero in Cubanito.

PISCES: “Let’s go to the beach bar where the blond guy we met yesterday works.”
You’re very much into falling in love with someone different every day and using your free time on following them around. You’re more naive than you seem, and you’re unlucky in love, but better at gambling. You’ll find them shouting BINGO!!! at Romeo’s.