Love Quiz
What type of partner are you?
You probably think you’re the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend, but have you taken our Love Quiz?
See if you were born to be in a relationship, or whether you’re better off sharing your life with a tortoise.
1. It’s Monday morning, your partner hasn’t slept well and wakes up in a bad mood. How do you react?
a) I get annoyed when I see them looking cheesed off, and now we are both in a bad mood.
b) I get as far away as possible from their shooting daggers.
c) I try to get a smile out of them by telling a joke.
2. It’s your second date, and it’s your turn to choose where to go. Which of these options do you choose?
a) I take them to an escape room so that they can see how “off the wall” and original I am.
b) We head to a Japanese restaurant, however, if they aren’t into ramen, then they’re not the love of my life.
c) I cook something delicious at home and… see what happens.
3. You’re at the cinema, and they start chatting over the film as if you were in your living room. What do you do?
a) I put my finger on my lip and whisper, Shhh!
b) I leave immediately. Absolutely intolerable.
c) I kiss them on the lips, sorted!

4. It’s your birthday, and they give you a book. You don’t even read the leaflet that contains the side effects of your medication! How do you handle it?
a) I hide my feelings as best as I can and thank them effusively.
b) I tell the truth, as it’s obvious this person doesn’t know me at all.
c) I admit that I am no Stieg Larsson, but I’ll make an effort to read it, as it is a gift.
5. You go on a trip to a buzzing city with your boy/girlfriend. They want to get up early and go sightseeing, and they’ve got an endless list of things to do, it’s way too intense, and you can’t be assed doing it all. What’s your reaction?
a) I get overwhelmed, and we end up arguing.
b) I say that I’m not up for it, and we make separate plans.
c) I suggest that we cut down on the organisation and just go with the flow, always more fun in the end.

6. You’ve been going out for a month. You’re not sure if you’re getting serious, but they ask you to accompany them to dinner with the whole family for their parent’s wedding anniversary. What would you do?
a) I tell them I don’t feel ready.
b) I feel obliged to go, but I feel uncomfortable and out of place.
c) I go to the dinner, sometimes the sooner you get these things out of the way, the better.
7. You’re at a party with your partner: they get really drunk and start singing “Sweet Caroline” and other assorted pop classics, talk incessantly to anyone who listens and start slurring. How do you take it?
a) I tell them off as if they were a small child.
b) I put on my sunglasses and pretend not to know what’s going on.
c) I love it when they have a good time, singing, dancing and laughing!
8. Your partner has had a hard week at work, and you want to surprise them. What do you do?
a) I give them a little present to cheer them up.
b) I make dinner, for a change.
c) I take them to a spa in a rural village to relax together.

9. You’ve been idealising relationships for years, when you’re in one you try to make it as movielike as possible. But life isn’t always as it is in a Julia Roberts romantic comedy. Which part of reality is hardest to take?
a) The little challenges of living together.
b) Their taste in music.
c) Their snoring.
10. As soon as you meet that special someone...
a) I don’t stop talking about them.
b) I act cool and ignore them, even though I’m dying to be with them.
c) I always keep an eye out for their WhatsApp messages on my phone, I love hooking up with them when I’m free.

IF YOU ANSWERED MOSTLY “A”: TO THE RHYTHM OF THE BEAT… You know how to move. Almost perfect.
IF YOU ANSWERED MOSTLY “B”: ROCK & ROLL, BLASÉ BABY! You go your own way and don’t want any trouble. Live and let live and all that, but you know what? You could be a bit more empathetic. JUST SAYING.
IF YOU ANSWERED MOSTLY “C”: LOVER & SINNER, YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO LOVE ME. That’s right, and there’s nothing more to add, your honour.