Paradiso Art Hotel never ceases in its quest to surprise and tell you all about what’s going on at the artiest hotel on la Isla Bonita, take note.
The urban artist Grems is already a house name at Adda Gallery, led by Anna Dimitrova. After numerous Solo Shows in Adda Gallery Paris and Ibiza, the French artist returns to Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel to leave his recognizable mark, that you’ll be able to behold on one of the side walls of the hotel, where he’s left his signature colorful compositions that trademarks his identity.. Grems uses grafitti as a base in each piece that defies the rules of this discipline, decomposing them, making that particular style his own, describing it as “return to origin”: Absctract expressionism.

“La la land” is the place where this charismatic and multifaceted artista lives, full of color and energy from head to toe, has come to stay – in the form of a very special mirror- for some time in our foyer before entering our gallery. Lover of shapes and colors, this catalonian artista has developed he ron imagery, that comes from her inner world and curiosity about the female form, human relations, forms and pigments. Not your ordinary mirror, which evidently reflects much more than what first meets the eye. Available for purchase.

This multi-dimensional artist that started immortalizing the craziest moments at the iconic Manumission parties, has his own room at Paradiso Art Hotel and his artwork dotted around the most emblematic locations of the island. “Driver UP” is the name of the sculpture that will decorate one of the corners of the hotel, inspired by the Aquarius era, where human metamorphosis and spiritual awakening are at their peak. The structure represents the busto f a woman, made from metal and fiberglass, holding a a diver’s helmet that she seems to want to free herself from. Available for purchase.